1-on-1 Counseling
How 1-on-1 works
We offer 1-on-1 counseling with our admissions counselors. Unlike other admissions services, we do not charge expensive packages. Our counselor works in hourly increments, and are billable for only the hours they work for you.
You pay for only what you want, and what you need.
Our affordable prices
With 1-on-1 counseling, you’d be sure to get the best attention you need for your college applications. At Success, we give students and their parents control over how much they want to spend for their needs. No expensive packages. Check out our prices below, and let us know if you have any questions.
Pay by the hour. 1 hour is 60,000 kyats. Payment must be made in advance of the session.
5 hours is usually enough to complete a personal statement or the Common App essay. Alternatively, a student can complete 2 to 3 supplemental essays as well.
10 hour is usually enough to complete the Personal Statement and the Common App along with supplemental questions of several colleges.
Pay for 20-hour in advance and get 5% discount (equivalent to one session). Total price is 1,140,000 kyats after discount.
20 hours is usually enough to complete the personal statement, Common App essay, and supplemental essays of 5 to 7 colleges.
Our Counselors
M.P.P. Oxford
B.A. Brown
Thaw Zin
Aung Hein
B.A. Franklin & Marshall College
A.A. Business Administration Management from Pikes Peaks State College
M.A. candidate at Northeastern
B.A. Tulane
With our 1-on-1 Counselling session, you get individualized counseling service that will help highlight your unique qualities and make you stand out to admission officers. Rest assured that with everything we do, we do it for YOU.
Book Free Session
You can get in touch with us via email at readyto@succeedwithsuccess.com or by filling out our contact form. Click on the button below.